Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday memories

What does a birthday boy think about? It was a very busy day going to preschool in the morning and getting to bring the snack for the first time. Then he got to help make his birthday cake which he had designed several weeks before his birthday by printing out the picture (all on his own) of Woody the Cowboy and telling me the cake had to be "blue with yellow polk-a-dots". Thankfully, he forgot about the polk-a-dots. He helped mix the batter, pour and bake it. Then sat with me for two hours while I made Woody telling me what should be fixed and what we should work on next including giving me specific instructions on the colors of the words in the bubble. I was surprised he sat with me for so long...I guess he wanted to make sure I did it right!

Or maybe a birthday boy thinks about how much he loves his Grandpa?

I'm sure his presents came to he planned the whole thing, picking out the wrapping paper and how his mom is so wrapped around his little finger that he got exactly what he wanted: Toy Story Mania for the Wii!

He also had his heart set on the Lego versions of Buzz and Woody--a little advanced for a 4 year old unless you have a big brother to help you! (It was so sweet to watch David help him build Zurg, so patient and helpful. These two are best buddies!)

It was a fun, busy day with lots of excitement! Seth has grown so much this past year in many ways. We are so grateful for the help of his Preschool team who have worked with Seth's communication delays, sensory sensitivity, and flexibility issues (all symptoms of Autism). He has progressed so quickly with the help of many people. Seth is such a joy in our lives with his constant enthusiasm for life! He loves to move his body, sing (current favorite song: "Real Gone" by Sheryl Crow), and JUMP, JUMP, JUMP! Every little thing is a BIG deal to him (that includes the good with the bad); it all helps us appreciate the details in the world around us. He actually does take the time to smell the flowers on the side of the road, admire every rock, pay attention to every sound and the wind on his face. We love you SETH! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

Seth did a great job on the cake! Happy Birthday!!!