I recently saw someone do a 'Flashback Friday' post, and I loved the idea so much that I figured I'd steal it (imitation is the sincerest form of flattery). We'll start with this photo of a young buck and his hot wife, ca. 1994. I know, she hasn't changed one bit (she's still smokin' hot) and I look much older. I also know that 'older' is code for bald and fat. But one must admit that we made a great-looking couple!
Yes, one must admit that. And you still do :)
Hey that's the Dev & Stace I remember on a bus going to the Mesa Temple and we all said....who are those guys? good times!
i tagged you! check out our blog and see if you would like to join in the fun!
love the wedding pic btw
I think you are smoking hot! =) I'm so glad you have a blog.
Sorry- I thought that Stacey had written the post- so the "smokin hot" comment was for her. Sorry Devin. =)
oh!! i can't believe that i just found your blog!!!! this photo took me back 5 years ago when i saw it in your front room after we just moved in and you invited us over for dessert and cranium. still not a good idea to challenge devin and matt in anything cerebral. we sure miss you guys and can't believe we're not there. looks like wdw was awesome. could that be because bro. lambert mapped every minute out for you again! :)
ps stace-love the specs!
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