Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Trip Report, The rest of the story

It rained.

Beginning with the morning we left Anaheim, it rained non-stop Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. On Day 9, we went to church with Nathan that morning (for another ward Christmas Cantata--at least this time the Bishop shared a brief message), went back to Nathan's for lunch, then the Jenkins loaded up and headed for our friends, the Littons, in Ridgecrest, CA (where the roads were largely flooded). Sadly, we didn't get the camera out the whole time we were there (I think we were enjoying being with them too much). We spent a couple of nights at Sean and Melanie's, played some games, caught up, and just generally did the relaxing that every vacation should have.

Tuesday morning we got up early and headed back toward home. All of that precipitation translated into boatloads of snow in the Colorado mountains, so we decided to take the southern route across I-40 through Arizona and New Mexico. It rained the whole way to Albuquerque.
We grabbed dinner at the Cracker Barrel (a family favorite) in ABQ, stayed the night at another Holiday Inn Express where we swam for about 30 minutes that evening, then hit the hay for the final leg of the journey. We have many, many friends in Albuquerque, but because our stay was so short we didn't see any of them--too bad we couldn't stretch it out another day, but we couldn't. We'll have to schedule a trip down there some time soon.

On Wednesday we got up, had another stellar continental breakfast, then made the final, uneventful leg of the trip home. The rain was intermittent, but not bad. We stopped in Colorado Springs to visit with my parents for a bit and exchanged Christmas presents, as they were on their way out of town to visit my sister in Utah. After that, we spent the final hour in the car and finally were back home in time for a laundry day before Christmas at the Nannies.

What a great vacation. We played hard, relaxed hard, enjoyed the company of friends and family, and made memories that will be with us forever. Perfect.

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