Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Caribbean Vacation

Stacey and I had a really great trip to Santo Domingo. We got to be tourists, go to the beach, go to the temple, hit some really great restaurants, experience the lack of traffic laws, attend church in one of my old areas (a couple of members even remembered me!), and just have a great time. Oh yeah, I did get in some work as well. On the downside, our camera was stolen, so we don't really have any great photos. We managed to buy some disposable cameras and take a few shots, but the quality, of course, is much less than what we had on the digital camera. At any rate, here are a few of our favorites.
About 100 yards out into the water at Boca Chica beach.  

Same pose, very different setting.

A full view of the temple.  Going there really was a dream come true.

Sunrise from our hotel room window.  

Buying Stacey's first taste of sugar cane from a Haitian caƱero.

A Dominican boy flying a kite at the beach.


Olivia said...

How fun for you! I'm sure the pictrues you lost were great, but the ones on here are really wonderful! It looks like a truly beautiful place.

Jandi said...

That is wonderful that you two got to go together. The pictures are beautiful. How great for the temple trip as well...