Sunday, February 14, 2010

100th day of school

Last week the kids celebrated their 100th day in school this year. For the younger kids there is a lot of practice counting and writing to 100, playing games involving 100 items, etc. Hannah brought home a booklet that she had to write in answers regarding 100; it was so cute I just had to share it with you:

What would you choose if you could have 100 of anything? "100 cats. I love cats because they snugle up with you."
If you had 100 dollars, what would you buy? ">Lany the amaricen girl and stuf for Kirsten the amaricen girl."
Would you rather live with 100 ants or 100 butterflies? >"Buttrflis. Ants are for boys"
Would you rather have 100 pet snakes or 100 pet dinosaurs? "Snacs. Dinosrs wood eat me"
What could you do 100 times that would make you tired or sore? "Wii Sports Resort."
If you had to eat 100 of one sort of food, what would you choose to eat? "Macoroni and chees pezza from seeses." (Cici's)
If it was your 100th birthday, how would you spend your day? "Sa goodby befor I dyie."


Ruth said...

That is very cute!

The Hoskins said...
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The Hoskins said...

I <3 that kid.